Problems that Egyptians have because of the foreigners

Problems Egypt has because foreigners
source photo: Internations

 I conform through personal experiences that Egyptian people are so kind and welcoming anyone visiting the country. They let you in their homes, share food and they are overflowing of hospitality. Especially the young people, they love to interact with foreigners and most of them speak English really well. 

However, for the past 4-5 years Egypt had a high percent of immigrants and this started to affect the locals in different ways. They started to feel that their own nationality is inferior to any other passport entering Egypt. And this is not right. 

If any Egyptian is reading this I am telling you that you are NOT inferior to anyone in the world. 

I notice some problems that Egyptians started to have because of the foreigners who passed by here or who settled down in this country.

1. The Egyptians lost priority in finding jobs. 

This is sad and I totally support Egyptians is having their rights as getting a job in their country. 

However, many companies prefer foreigners over Egyptians when deciding to hire. Especially in private schools the rate is so obvious. Most of the schools bet on the passport, than on the certifications of the potential teacher. I know man Egyptian teachers who are so qualified to get a job in a private school, but lose the chance in front of any passport hats sits next to their CV on that HR desk. 

2. The foreigners will always be the ones who bring  "diseases" when coming into a conservative country. 

Indeed, Egypt is still a traditional and conservative country and many times, the young individuals, teenagers decide to not follow the unwritten rules and to adopt a behavior that is out of the ordinary. I do not claim that is wrong to adapt foreigner attitude, but usually these youngsters select only the bad things or they behave as they would think that a foreigner does.

Modernity and democracy does not stand in wearing short skirts or making tattoos. This is where the kids in Egypt go wrong in absorbing foreigners standards. At least, understand that foreigners were raised like that, wearing those clothes, doing what they do. But you as an Egyptian, try to take those things and adapt without exaggerating. 

I wait you, Egyptian and foreigners, to share your opinion and what other problems could you find.
