source: Women of Egypt Magazine

I have been living among Egyptian women enough time to observe them, to identify their strong points and weaknesses and to create a list of typologies.  So if someone would ask me how are the Egyptian women, here are my observations:
  1. A model of motherhood. Egyptian women are one of the best examples for the definition of "mother". Even if we speak about the older times and the conservative, traditionalists mother or about the modern, new generation of mothers, in both cases these women put education of their children as priority. They are so involved in giving a good education, as good as possible, to the children; also, lately, the new generation of women mothers, put a lot of interest in the extra academic activities of the kids. Most of the children do at least two sports, take private lessons, participate in competitions, play instruments, do ballet or any kind of activity that keep the children busy. Of course, these can be seen as advantages or disadvantages for the kids. Certainly, there are women that fake being a mother and are not meant to ever have kids, but this it happens everywhere in the world. 
  2. The best food lovers and the best chefs in the world. The food in Egypt is a cult. The women (and men also) love food, love cooking, love speaking about food, love sharing food. And honestly, their food is soooo good. Heavy, but so delicious. 
  3. A combination of modesty and strength. The power of an Egyptian women is her modesty and here I do not speak about clothing, covering her body, but their attitude, the way they speak, they way they behave or act in different situations. They are so helpful even though they don not know you even. Old or young women, will never let you helpless or turn their back when you are in need. And the most touching, women are united between them. Even though they might dislike each other, they still talk and spend time together and have a great time. This for me was mind blowing.
  4.  The know the difference between rights and responsibilities. An Egyptian woman is a queen inside her house. When you step inside the home of an Egyptian women you will feel that you are small; she masters the way she organizes her private space. Lately, women hold high positions in business or politics and they are doing such a great work. 
  5. They are the balance between keeping traditions and keeping up with the modern times. Truly, the Egyptian women and the hook that love to keep traditions, to make the same rituals during holidays, to cook the same food that their mothers used to cook or to teach their children the same lessons that they were thought when thy were kids. In the same time, Egyptian women are very aware of the modern time and what is trending. Lots of them are involved in social media and make a living through this. 
