If you come to Egypt...

Travelling to Egypt

 If you are a foreigner planning to visit Egypt, I demand you to leave outside the borders, before you enter this country, your snob character and your stereotypes about this land. 

I also had planted in my head clichés about Egypt. Before I came here, I heard so many things bad about the country  that would make anyone run away. But then I just decided to put aside everything I found out from different individuals, schools, family and just come here, bare minded, without any preconceptions and discover this place by myself. I told myself that here are people living, there must be a system somehow,  so what bad can happen. 

I did right. Of course, I still had flashback about my stereotypes, but in the end all the peoples have their own good and bad individuals. 

I see and hear lots of foreigners who come with rooted idea and misconception about Egypt and I wonder why they came here if they think so bad about it. I do not want to see any snob lady from any low level country from Europe or whatever, who is here just to judge, to find flaws and to spit her poison about how she sees Egypt as a bad place, It's not a bad place. Your soul is so dark that you only see the bad things about it. 

To be more punctual I will indicate some example.

1. Someone was pointing about how people in Egypt are just sitting and they are lazy. 

Yes, I agree that Egypt has a lazy side, but why don't you look to the part that as lazy as they seem, this country never stops. Egypt is moving constantly and fast. Look at the traffic. It's crazy, but at least they move. I Europe we spent hours in traffic because we are in such a rush all the time that we block each other. 

The woman, foreigner, I heard saying that, she is from a country that they barely have highways. In Egypt you fly on the highways in all the directions. 

2. Another foreigner lady was shocked and dumbfounded to see security forces with guns at checkpoint, in the main squares of the cities and even in a touristic bus. 

What you expect when you come to a country that is exposed to attacks and it's fighting terrorism till their last drop of blood. And you know already from all the brains washing machines called TVs from west that Egypt is exposed. These guns and these people with guns are there for your safety and protection, sweetie. Because if they were not there, then also you would have complaint that they didn't provide you security. 

So please spare us of all this snobbism and affected attitude and stay in your country. 

I advise the foreigners, who come to judge and show off how foreigners are they, to stay in their places. Egypt doesn't deserve to  have you here and you do not deserve to see the true beauty of this country. 
