I got the "chance " to experience these cringe and hard times given by the #coronavirus in Egypt. After observing and taking in consideration the ways the other countries used to fight against the pandemic and how Egypt manipulated this situation made me reach the following comments about living in Egypt during Covid19.

1. Egypt is not a 3rd world country!

Not at all. Egypt demonstrated how strong is in the Arab-African region and in the whole world. Fast and strict measures were taken in the appropriate time so the infection and death rate were not as high as the western countries.
"WHO said that Egypt’s “strong disease surveillance system” and contact tracing efforts have proven effective “in controlling and managing sporadic cases and clusters before they can spread,” but added that further efforts are needed.
Egypt has adopted a set of preventative measures to combat the spread of the corona virus, imposing a night-time curfew, halting air traffic, shutting mosques and churches and suspending classes at schools and universities." (
Honestly saying, what would you think when the "great America" and the "big deal" European Union came to ask for supplies from "a, Muslim, Arab, 3rd world country" that they kept pointing at whenever they had chance. 

Spot the 3rd world country just looking at this:


You already notices, right? The arrogance and the ignorance will kill countries like USA or those from EU more than any virus.

2. Egypt: people are the priority 

Each and every Egyptian citizen, here or abroad, is taken in consideration and gets support from the government. Huge effort are made inside the country to keep the infection rate low and to keep people healthy and safe. On the other side, they fought to bring every single citizen from abroad back to the country. And not only that. There is a team that keeps under observation how is the health and progress of every person. 

"Since the suspension of international aviation on March 19, Egypt operated exceptional flights to bring home thousands of stranded Egyptians.

Minister of Immigration and Expatriate Affairs Nabila Makram told TV host Amr Adib on Friday that stranded Egyptians are classified into categories that are citizens who have been on business trips and tourism trips, were visiting relatives, and students who had to leave the dorms and have nowhere to stay.

"At this stage, priority is given to those and not expats who want to return after their contracts were ended or their businesses were shut down," the minister stated." (

Plus, the Egyptian citizens coming from abroad are hosted in 4 or 5 stars hotels, with supplies funded by the government. The funds come from Tahya Misr Fund which was launched by the Egyptian government in 2014 to receive donations to support the Egyptian economy. This foundation is open to accept donations to support fighting covid19 crisis in Egypt.
Tahya Masr Fund launched on Sunday 29/3/2020 a donation campaign on account No. 037037 to face corona virus and the repercussions of the latest floods that hit the country.
In a statement, the fund said it will answer all queries about the new campaign through hotline 15118.

3. Egypt' s actual leaders know how to see the good in bad situation and how to take advantage for the benefit of the country. 

Immediately after the pandemic waves started to spread form China and all the world turned their back to the Asian country, Egypt was the only one to send a team, led by the Minister of Health, to show support and give supplies. 

 To conclude this article, I speak as non Egyptian citizen, having nothing to do with the politics or governments, just a normal person. Leaving these days in Egypt made me not only feel safe, but proud and more happy than my own country. After this crisis will end, find you way to Egypt and convince yourself how this country was great in ancient times and how greater becomes every day. 
