Again, it depends on where you are staying in Egypt. If you stay for a while in an eminently touristic location where there are many foreigners and the location is quite cosmopolitan you may not feel strange.
If you have to live in the local area, I recommend the following tips if you do not want to attract attention.
1. I will begin with what most people ask, especially women: how to dress up when you go out on the street in Egypt?
Avoid a very low-cut neck clothing, short skirts or shorts, especially if you are going out alone on the street. Otherwise, you can wear absolutely anything, no one will force you to cover your head or tighten your hair, you just have to protect yourself. I wore my hair uncovered and lose in most of my exits, alone or accompanied. The only time I tied it was when I went shopping and did not want to make my hair to make me uncomfortable.

2. When you go out on the street always wear a bag with you, a cross-body bag. It is safer for the goods you have and does not give the impression that you are a tourist necessarily.

3. Try to speak as little as possible in English or another language because you will surely attract attention.

4.If anyone stops you on the street for who knows what reason or you see someone insisting on talking to you, ignore them and walk your way.

5. You should learn some Arabic, at least the basics, if you have to live there for a while. And kindly, I recommend that you learn Egyptian Arabic because the standard Arab is not used, and if you speak in standard Arabic in Egypt, they will look at you a little weird and will be sure you are foreigner.

6. I recommend that when you go to the street be careful, but especially attentive, to all the faces of those you meet. Do not look directly into their eyes, especially if you are a woman and meet men, but scan their faces very well. I learned this from a friend I lived with in Egypt and who had this habit of memorizing whoever she was seeing while walking. So she realized one evening when we went out shopping that a man we had walked along a while before, followed and even got us and stopped her for asking her phone number . Being very smart she knew how to get rid of him immediately.

7. I know some say to you, girls, to wear a fake marriage ring on your finger to keep away any pretenders who will "cling to you". No, this trick does not work anymore because the Egyptian men got the idea and will be insistent with all sorts of questions and even worse. DO NOT allow any man to touch you, do not answer them if they speak to you or ask you something or compliment you (what their method of hooking) and very important - do not smile a lot when you look at a man on the street or talk to one. If you smiled at him it will be like giving him a huge chance to look after you.

8. Do not offer a tip at the restaurant. I know many traveling blogs and cultural facts on some sites say that you must do this in arabic countries, I recommend you to not do it. Pay only the note and leave.

9. If you ever feel you're being followed on the street, DO NOT take your way  home directly, especially if you live alone. You really do not want him to know where you live. Take a detour, ask for help from a friend if you can quickly call who is near by or if you see a woman (women) or elderly men go and ask for their help. Even if you do not speak Arabic, go to them and if they see you agitated and look at that individual, they'll jump right on him. And believe me the elderly people in Egypt, most of them, are very decent and helpful if they  see something happening  to you. You will see them taking off their slippers and run after that bastard.

10. Use UBER or CAREEM, the two taxi transports that are very efficient. They are safe, cheaper and the best option if you are a foreigner. Try to stay away from the white taxi and tuk-tuk (3-wheeled motorcycles).

11. Respect their culture and traditions! You will be told that as long as you are in their country you have to respect their customs. You know already there are 5 prayers a day and there is that call to prayer (azaan) that is heard from every mosque in the speakers at the appointed time (it's great when you hear the azaan at the same time from all the mosques in the city). Try not to play loud music or you better should turn off any music during the azaan.
You will see in your working places  your Muslim colleagues praying in a corner; Do not disturb them as much as possible during those minutes, as a form of respect, and do not pass in front of a person praying.
During holidays, you can participate where you are invited by Egyptian friends. I recommend that you take your Eid vacation in October because they have some unusual rituals. You will see animals for sale in the streets before this feast, animals that are going to be sacrifices on the day of Eid ... and somewhat you will see the blood through certain places. Either you take your food and hang up in the house for 3 days while the feast, or go to a holiday at the sea or somewhere away from such gloomy landscapes. Especially because the streets will be a little crowded and I do not recommend you going out after the sunset.

12. Do not touch Muslim women if you are a man. It really is not even indicated with a finger to touch them. The only men who can touch them are their family (father, brothers, husband, son). Men between them they kiss on both cheeks when they meet, it's normal. So are the women among them. If you are not a Muslim woman, you can go to a Muslim man to embrace him (which will make him happy hahaha) but as a man you do not go to a Muslim woman to do this. Give her a handshake (if she answers) and it's enough.

13. Alcohol and pork - you know that being a predominantly Islamic country does not consum pork and drink alcohol ... but I assure you that you will find these without problems. There are many Coptic Christians, so there are these foods as well. But do not insist on an Egyptian to eat pork or to drink alcohol, nor even making a  trick by putting these in their food.

14. NO men in the same hotel room or home without marriage! This is for women who intend to have a relationship with an Egyptian. You can not live with a man if you do not have a marriage certificate, you can not stay in the same hotel room (in most hotels because there is a risk of having trouble with the law) and you can not get a man overnight unless he is a relative of you or If he is not your legal husband. You risk having trouble with the law and him and yourself, even being exiled from the country.

15. Do not make appointments because of the very well known “Egyptian time”. Most of people will be late, even if this means 5 minutes or 5 hours late.
